Miami Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys | Alan Goldfarb, P.A. Wed, 05 Apr 2017 15:04:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How a Head Injury Can Affect You for the Rest of Your Life Wed, 05 Apr 2017 15:04:58 +0000 Read More »]]> If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a car accident, motorcycle accident, or any other accident caused by the carelessness of another individual, you need to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. Why? Because serious brain injuries can have life-altering effects that will remain with you for the rest of your time on this Earth. Nearly two million people suffer a TBI each year in serious accidents and the cost for treatment exceeds $56 billion per year.

What Exactly is a TBI?

There are different levels of trauma associated with head injuries. A TBI is trauma that damages the normal function of your brain. You may have a “mild” TBI that results in relatively minor harm. Or, you may have suffered a “severe” TBI that causes you to lose memories, the ability to speak, and other motor functions.

TBI from an Auto Collision

If you or a loved one hit your head during a car accident, you need to be seen by a medical professional as soon as possible. Many people hit their heads in a wreck and neglect to see a doctor, brushing it off as just a bruise or a mild headache. This is a mistake. You need to get treatment so any further damage can be addressed by doctors.

Understand the Signs

In addition to noticing a bump or welt on your head, signs of a brain injury can include the following:

  • Persistent, severe headaches or migraines
  • Sudden inability to pay attention or focus
  • Difficulty remembering basic facts or routines from before the accident
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Sudden outbursts of anger

Dispelling TBI Fallacy

Some people mistakenly believe that if you are not struck on the head during an accident, then you did not suffer a TBI. This is wrong, plain and simple. A sudden jolt to your head, even without direct impact on an object, can cause trauma to the brain, like a concussion.

Some auto insurance claims adjusters may rely on this fallacy to try and reduce or deny your personal injury claim. Do not let this happen. Hire an experienced Miami personal injury attorney to advocate on your behalf.

Pursuing Damages for Long-Term Harm

If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury in an accident, you need to be prepared to take legal action against the at-fault party’s insurance company. Many insurance companies fight these claims because they do not want to be responsible for a major pay out. This is why you need to retain a law firm that works with medical experts who assist with demonstrating causation (i.e. whether the accident proximately caused your brain injury) and with demonstrating the long-term impact of the injury. For example, we can retain an economist who can project your lost future earnings due to the harm to your brain. This is compelling evidence that can help persuade a jury to find in your favor, or convince the insurance company to offer a reasonable settlement.

Miami Brain Injury Lawyers Are Here to Help You

As you can see, the consequences of a traumatic brain injury can be devastating to you and your loved ones, both financially and emotionally. Some TBI victims require 24/7 care. This is why you need advocates on your side who will do everything in their power to obtain the largest damage award or settlement possible. Contact the Miami office of Alan Goldfarb, P.A. to learn more.


Traumatic Brain can Lead to Apraxia Wed, 27 Jan 2016 17:30:07 +0000 Read More »]]> Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs when an external force, or object, impacts the head and affects brain function. These type of injuries often happen during car or other types of accidents Many Floridians may not understand the extent to which traumatic brain injuries impact public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that car accidents, falls, and blows to the head are leading causes of TBIs. TBIs affect millions of people and may cause different degrees of emotional, physical and cognitive impairments. The wide range of impairments oftentimes directly impact a victim’s ability to speak and communicate, a condition known as apraxia.

What is Apraxia?

Apraxia is an acquired motor disorder. Typically, apraxia is caused by a lesion in the brain’s left hemisphere. These lesions directly impact the portion of the brain that controls muscle coordination. This damage interferes with the brain’s ability to properly communicate with the muscles responsible for speech. Apraxia creates life long communication problem for victims. The problem is particularly distressing because oftentimes, a person suffering from apraxia may know what they want to say but their brain’s inability to communicate may result in producing the wrong words or no speech at all.

How is Apraxia Diagnosed?

Apraxia is usually diagnosed by a speech pathologist. If a therapist suspects an accident victim has developed apraxia, then they can run a range of assessments that are designed to determine the cause of the symptoms. While every victim is different, common symptoms of apraxia include:

  • problems forming speech;
  • difficulty making speech sounds;
  • inability to move the lips and tongue to produce sounds; and
  • unusually slow speech.

Once a therapist diagnoses a victim, the pathologist will recommend a treatment plan designed to improve the victim’s ability to sequence and coordinate the muscle movements required for speech.

How Common is Apraxia?

Apraxia is a condition that may present itself in combination with other communication disorders. This makes it difficult to know how much the condition impacts victims. The cause of apraxia can vary from case to case. A person with apraxia may have suffered a stroke, suffer from a neurological condition or have a traumatic brain injury caused by an accident.

Insurance Does not Cover the Cost of a Full Recover

Apraxia has financial, medical and emotional consequences for the victim. Additionally, many people who suffer apraxia are not able to be independent and have trouble with daily tasks. Insurance may offer some compensation for medical expenses, however, insurance will not be able to cover all expenses related to recovery and long term therapy. Victims may want to consider filing a personal injury claim against the party responsible for their harm.

Accident Victims with Apraxia Should Seek Legal Help

If you or a loved one has developed apraxia as a result of a traumatic brain injury sustained in an accident, please speak with the Miami traumatic brain injury attorneys at the law firm of Alan Goldfarb, P.A. We can prepare a claim against the liable party and get you fair compensation for your injury.

Traumatic Brain Injuries: What to Do if You’ve Been Injured Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:20:52 +0000 Read More »]]> A traumatic brain injury is an injury that occurs when there is a sudden physical trauma to the brain. Most often, traumatic brain injuries are caused by impact during fall, work-related accidents or auto accidents. The effects of a traumatic brain injury differ for each individual and can vary in intensity over time. Traumatic brain injury can affect a person’s cognitive and neurological functions and can completely change a person’s life. If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, it’s important that you seek both medical and legal advice.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Identifying the symptoms early on can help victims seek proper care for their injury and avoid complicating the damage. There are two types of traumatic brain injuries: closed head injury and open head injury. A closed head injury occur when the brain sustains a blow caused by a sudden change in movement or momentum. In a closed head injury, the brain’s blood vessels are stretched and damaged. If an injury is severe, symptoms will be present almost immediately, while symptoms of a mild closed head injury may not show up for days or weeks after an injury. An open head injury, or a penetrating head injury, occurs when an object penetrates the skull and injures the brain. They can be caused by a puncture wound or a skull fracture. The damage may cause bleeding and swelling in the brain. Victims of open head injuries have an obvious wound that require medical attention.

Because the signs of closed head injuries are not always obvious, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, which include:

  • Unconsciousness;
  • Confusion;
  • Persistent low grade headache;
  • Nausea; and
  • Vomiting.

Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Should Assess the Impact of their Injury

Traumatic brain injury victims should seek immediate medical attention. Getting immediate help cannot prevent permanent damage, however, a medical professional can help prevent further damage to the victim. A doctor will evaluate the injury and help a victim figure out how the injury has affected their brain’s functions. After seeking medical attention, traumatic brain injury victims should asses the impact of the injury on their daily life (eg. ability to earn a living, extent of recovery costs). Depending on the circumstances, taking a general assessment of the impact of the injury will allow a victim to determine the potential compensation in a legal action.

Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Should Consult a Lawyer

If the injury was a result of someone’s carelessness, or negligence, traumatic brain injury victims may be able to file a lawsuit under Florida law. Discussing the accident with a lawyer is important since oftentimes medical insurance will only cover certain expenses. Damages awarded from a negligence or personal injury lawsuit will help victims ensure they do not drain their finances as they recover.

Contact an Attorney

Traumatic brain injury victims deserve compensation to help cover injuries, current and future medical costs. If you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury, first seek medical attention, and then contact the Miami traumatic brain injury attorneys at the office of Alan Goldfarb, P.A. We can discuss your accident with you and help you determine whether pursuing a lawsuit is the best decision for you and your family. Please contact us at 866-936-9761 to discuss your case.

Traumatic Brain Injury & The Law Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:28:38 +0000 Read More »]]> A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is the source of long-term catastrophic injury to the brain that can require lifetime care. A brain injury this severe is often caused by medical negligence or blunt force trauma to the head in an auto accident, sporting injury, or fall. Litigation surrounding this type of brain injury can be time consuming, complicated, and emotional. The long-term consequences of a TBI on an injured individual can be expensive and devastating for family members. While no amount of monetary compensation can bring back your loved-one’s functions, compensation can ease the financial burden placed upon a family and provide the injured individual with necessary treatments.

Traumatic Brain Injuries and Medical Malpractice

TBI’s can occur in the medical setting in several circumstances. Improper anesthesia dosages resulting in lack of oxygen to the brain are one of the most common, but TBIs can also result in infants if there is negligence during delivery or in the pre-natal care of the baby. According to the Brain Injury Association of Florida, over 100,000 Florida residents suffer a traumatic brain injury each year. These injuries can require around-the-clock care, a loss of mental or physical function, a loss of enjoyment in life, and a strain on family and personal relationships.

It is frustrating not just on the injured person, but on the family and friends as well. This is especially true when this injury is the result of a medical procedure that was supposed to save or make your loved one feel better. Many people will never fully recover from a TBI, and may incur extensive medical bills to treat the injury at its onset, and to sustain long-term treatment. Family members may miss work to care for the injured, and may lose income as a result. If the injured person was the breadwinner for the family, these concerns are multiplied.

TBI and Sports Injuries

In addition to medical negligence, TBI’s are common sports injuries. Prompted by a rise in TBI reports in the football arena, the NFL recently was the subject of helmet-safety litigation. Injured players received compensation in actions against football helmet manufacturers that failed to protect the injured players from injuries, despite wearing a helmet. Football is not the only place where TBI’s can occur—a TBI at its basic definition is really a concussion; severe concussions can have long-term, debilitating side effects that must be treated as soon as they occur.

If You’ve Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury

If you were injured due to medical negligence or during a sports injury and suffered a TBI, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. TBIs are life-altering injuries that may require life-long financial support. In order to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to, contact an experienced Miami brain injury attorney at Alan Goldfarb P.A. to learn more about your rights. We are sensitive to the difficult time you and your family are going through and will do everything to advocate for you and your future health and support. Do not hesitate to contact us today.
