Miami Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers | Alan Goldfarb, P.A. Wed, 09 Nov 2016 19:07:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 No Joking Matter Wed, 09 Nov 2016 19:07:54 +0000 Read More »]]> braininj2

Comedian Tracy Morgan showed his forgiving side when he said that he was not mad at the truck driver who was behind the wheel during a severe car accident several years ago in which Morgan nearly lost his life. The truck driver did not receive the same leniency from the jury and, in fact, was indicted on various counts as a result of the accident which cost Morgan’s fellow comedian his life. Morgan himself suffered serious brain damage, a common type of injury in accidents as severe as this.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Car accidents are one of the top three causes of traumatic brain injury. This type of injury is far more common than many people may realize, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people live with disabilities they incurred as a result of traumatic brain injuries. Between one and two million people suffer these injuries yearly and thousands of people die from their injuries. Those who do survive often live with complications the rest of their lives that greatly impact their quality of life as well as their potential lifespan.

Traumatic Brain Injury – What Does It Mean?

Brain injuries, unlike other injuries that may be sustained in an auto accident, affect the victim’s entire being. Unlike a broken leg, which can be put in a cast and heal over time, and which typically only affects the leg itself, a brain injury is not limited to just the brain’s activities and abilities. Additionally, since there may often be no outward sign of injury, the presence and extent of the brain injury may not be known for a period of time after it has been incurred. These injuries change a victim’s life suddenly, drastically, and completely, and rehabilitation and recovery can take a lifetime.

A Wide Range

Traumatic brain injuries are classified from mild to severe, but this is not so much a reflection of the impact on the victim’s life as it is a description of the actual occurrence of the injury itself. A mild brain injury is one in which the loss of consciousness is less than 30 minutes. These ‘mild’ injuries are often overlooked, but their effects can be just as bad as with the severe brain injury classified by a longer state of unconsciousness. A severe brain injury often results in significant impairment of cognitive skills and can result in a victim’s coma. Regardless of the classification, the bottom line is that the impact on the victim will be likely be extensive.

Contact Alan Goldfarb, P.A. For Help With Your Traumatic Brain Injury Case

If you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident and has suffered a traumatic brain injury, you need competent and professional legal representation to help you get the results you deserve. The Miami attorneys at the office of Alan Goldfarb, P.A. have the experience with these type of cases to know what issues are important and how to obtain the most complete recovery. We are here to help – contact us now to set up your initial appointment today.


Traumatic Brain Injury & The Law Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:28:38 +0000 Read More »]]> A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is the source of long-term catastrophic injury to the brain that can require lifetime care. A brain injury this severe is often caused by medical negligence or blunt force trauma to the head in an auto accident, sporting injury, or fall. Litigation surrounding this type of brain injury can be time consuming, complicated, and emotional. The long-term consequences of a TBI on an injured individual can be expensive and devastating for family members. While no amount of monetary compensation can bring back your loved-one’s functions, compensation can ease the financial burden placed upon a family and provide the injured individual with necessary treatments.

Traumatic Brain Injuries and Medical Malpractice

TBI’s can occur in the medical setting in several circumstances. Improper anesthesia dosages resulting in lack of oxygen to the brain are one of the most common, but TBIs can also result in infants if there is negligence during delivery or in the pre-natal care of the baby. According to the Brain Injury Association of Florida, over 100,000 Florida residents suffer a traumatic brain injury each year. These injuries can require around-the-clock care, a loss of mental or physical function, a loss of enjoyment in life, and a strain on family and personal relationships.

It is frustrating not just on the injured person, but on the family and friends as well. This is especially true when this injury is the result of a medical procedure that was supposed to save or make your loved one feel better. Many people will never fully recover from a TBI, and may incur extensive medical bills to treat the injury at its onset, and to sustain long-term treatment. Family members may miss work to care for the injured, and may lose income as a result. If the injured person was the breadwinner for the family, these concerns are multiplied.

TBI and Sports Injuries

In addition to medical negligence, TBI’s are common sports injuries. Prompted by a rise in TBI reports in the football arena, the NFL recently was the subject of helmet-safety litigation. Injured players received compensation in actions against football helmet manufacturers that failed to protect the injured players from injuries, despite wearing a helmet. Football is not the only place where TBI’s can occur—a TBI at its basic definition is really a concussion; severe concussions can have long-term, debilitating side effects that must be treated as soon as they occur.

If You’ve Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury

If you were injured due to medical negligence or during a sports injury and suffered a TBI, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. TBIs are life-altering injuries that may require life-long financial support. In order to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to, contact an experienced Miami brain injury attorney at Alan Goldfarb P.A. to learn more about your rights. We are sensitive to the difficult time you and your family are going through and will do everything to advocate for you and your future health and support. Do not hesitate to contact us today.
