Category Archives: PIP Coverage

State Farm Files Federal Lawsuit Alleging Widespread PIP Fraud
Could Florida’s PIP insurance scheme be repealed? If major insurance companies like State Farm have their way, it will be. This comes in light of recent allegations of insurance fraud against PIP insurance plans that insurance companies like State Farm are claiming run rampant in PIP insurance states like Florida. In case you’re unaware,… Read More »

Detroit Sues Over No-Fault Insurance Law
No-fault insurance is one of those ideas that look good on paper. Instead of carrying liability protection, each driver carries personal injury protection. When an accident ensues, they go to their own insurance company which covers any injuries that may result. In theory, this is great. The bill, which was sponsored by notable politician… Read More »

Texting While Driving Poised To Become Primary Offense
For years, Florida law has considered texting while driving a “secondary offense.” Roughly speaking, that means that police cannot pull you over or issue you a citation because you are texting while driving. They must have some other cause to issue you a citation. That can include causing a major traffic accident or violating… Read More »

PIP Pitfalls You Need To Be Prepared For
If you or a family member was seriously injured in an auto accident, you have the ability to immediately file a claim to obtain financial compensation through Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits. This is because Florida is a “no fault” state meaning motorists can obtain financial compensation for their harms and losses without an… Read More »

How To Manage Your Medical Bills After A Serious Car Accident In Florida
Getting hurt in an automobile collision is bad. Receiving a massive medical bill after getting treatment at an emergency room or other medical facility can feel even worse. Why? Because you are physically damaged as a result of the crash and receiving that bill confirms you may endure financial damage as well. You will… Read More »