Category Archives: Hit and Run

Nikki Minaj’s Mother Files Lawsuit After Hit and Run
Nikki Minaj’s mother, Carol Miraj, has filed a lawsuit against the man that she says struck Minaj’s father and then drove off without rendering aid or calling police. Robert Minaj died in a Long Island hospital days after. Charles Polevich was later arrested on charges of leaving the scene of a traffic accident involving… Read More »

Driver Charged After Hit-And-Run Fatality with Cyclist
The driver of a white pickup truck has been charged after leaving the scene of an accident where he struck a cyclist. Twenty-eight-year-old Jacob Aaron Weinert was killed after being struck by a two-door white pickup truck at the intersection of U.S. 301 and Sligh Avenue in Tampa at 4:40 a.m. on his way… Read More »

Personal Injury Attorney Fatally Injures Pedestrian
In one sad example of tragedy meeting irony, a Florida personal injury attorney was arrested on charges of fatally hitting a woman while driving under the influence. Not only is the attorney being charged with a litany of criminal offenses including DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide, but he also now faces civil charges, likely… Read More »

Dangerous Drivers On Miami Roads
Despite numerous public safety campaigns highlighting the serious risks of drinking and driving, there remain a disturbingly high number of motorists who throw caution to the wind and try operating a vehicle while heavily intoxicated. For example, a South Florida woman was placed under arrest for an array of serious charges, including driving under… Read More »

Young Woman Loses Life In Miami Lakes Hit-And-Run Accident
There is no reasonable justification or excuse to leave the scene after you hit a pedestrian. In fact, you are legally obligated to remain at the scene and notify the authorities of the collision. If you flee the scene and leave an injured person behind, you could be charged with a felony criminal offense…. Read More »