Tag Archives: Miami Elder Abuse Attorneys

The Tragic Reality Of Elder Abuse
After spending their entire lives ensuring that we have been taken care of, our elderly loved ones deserve nothing but the best in return. When the time comes, as it often does, that they are no longer able to live on their own due to their physical or mental limitations, we are faced with… Read More »
Injuries At The Retirement Community
In what had to seem like a scene straight out of a movie, residents of a retirement community who were enjoying time together in the activity room were surprised by a rampant squirrel that had gotten into the building. The squirrel attacked several people who suffered injuries including bites and scratches during the incident…. Read More »
Protect Your Senior Against Abuse and Neglect
Many senior Americans who live in assisted-living communities, nursing and retirement homes, may become victims of elder abuse instead of receiving the care they deserve. For this reason, many families worry that their senior parents and loved ones will not be safe away from the family home. If you have an elder family member… Read More »
Elder Abuse in Florida: Underreported and Overly Frequent
Physical, verbal, and sexual abuse of elderly persons is on the rise in the United States. The very people that the elderly rely on for their care—their family, caregivers, and other professionals, take advantage of the power they wield over their elder counterparts. Florida has taken steps to criminalize and deter such horrific occurrences,… Read More »