Grill Fire and Propane Tank Explosion Lawsuits

Propane tank explosions and major grill fires do happen. Sometimes, the fault lies with the homeowner who either improperly hooked up the propane tank or left it on for hours on end. Other times, it’s the fault of the company that manufactured either the grill or the propane tank. These lawsuits fall under product liability rules. In this article, we’ll discuss grill fires and propane tank explosions and when a plaintiff may be able to recover damages from the company that manufactured the grill, the tanks, or filled up the tank.
Taco Truck Blows to Pieces
In 2014, a taco truck in Philadelphia blew to pieces while onlookers watched stunned, and took shelter. Five people were critically injured and 12 sustained other injuries. Investigators say that a leak in a propane tank was responsible for the blast.
In another incident, a grill operator was sent to the hospital after a gas leak in the man’s home caused the entire unit to explode. The man survived the incident but he now has several thousand dollars worth of medical bills and home repairs.
Common Causes of Exploding Propane Tanks and Grills
Aside from operator error and other human mistakes, the most common cause of gas explosions is defective equipment. This can include:
- Defective gas regulators – The gas regulator regulates the flow of gas going to the grill and is a safety mechanism within the tube that shuts off the flow of gas if the negative pressure is too high. If this device malfunctions, gas can build up within the tube causing the tube to fail, spilling propane out into the air at random. Once it touches heat, it will explode into flame.
- Faulty hoses – We already know that hoses can fail causing explosions. Sometimes this is the fault of the gas regulator, other times it’s the fault of the hose itself.
- Faulty tanks – Sometimes a manufacturing defect can make the entire tank unstable. Faulty tanks can explode when in use.
Product Liability Claims and Propane Tank Explosions
Grill injury lawsuits fall under the category of product liability lawsuits. Whenever a company manufactures a product and places it into the stream of commerce, they are automatically liable when someone is injured in the anticipated use of the product. Product liability lawsuits can be filed under three theories. The first is negligent design, the second is negligent manufacture, and the third is failure to warn.
In most grill explosion lawsuits, negligent manufacture is the culprit. But because the plaintiff is working with a potentially dangerous incendiary device, the company that manufactures the product must ensure customers have adequate instructions on its use. So failure to warn lawsuits are also common.
Talk to a Miami Personal Injury Attorney Today
If you’ve been injured by a dangerous or defective product, call the Miami personal injury attorneys at the office of Alan Goldfarb, P.A. today. We can help you sue the company that manufactured the product and recover damages related to your medical expenses, lost wages, and reduced quality of life. Call today for a free consultation.