Tag Archives: Miami Personal Injury Lawyers

Judge Decides that Big Pharma Cannot be Labeled Drug Dealers
Since the opioid crisis has made major headlined over the past decade, more and more victims are taking aim at big pharma. These include wrongful death lawsuits filed by families, personal injury lawsuits filed by victims, and even civil litigation filed against big pharma by state and local governments in the light of the… Read More »

How to Spot a Bad Personal Injury Lawyer
In any given area, there will be thousands of personal injury attorneys to choose from. How do you know which one to choose? What if you get a bad feeling during your case? How do you know that your attorney is doing everything in their power to fight for your right to be compensated… Read More »

Spinal Cord Stimulators Injuring Patients
In the midst of the opioid crisis, doctors are hoping to find alternative pain-management solutions that do not result in addiction. Among those are spinal cord stimulators. The spinal cord stimulators are surgically implanted in the patients where they “cloak” the pain. While they do not repair the damaged nerves, they can help those… Read More »

Jacksonville Landing Hit with 10 Lawsuits
The number of lawsuits targeting Jacksonville Landing, the outdoor mall where the fatal gamer shooting took place, has now risen to 10. Baltimore gamer, David Katz, opened fire on others at a Madden 19 qualifying tournament before turning the gun on himself. Two died and several others were wounded in the attack. Now, survivors… Read More »

Hillsborough Fire Rescue Sued for Negligent Rendering of Aid
Punishments have already been laid down for four Hillsborough County first responders whose negligence cost a new mother her life. Crystal Galloway lost her life to what many would describe as gross or even criminal negligence on the part of the four fire rescue personnel who failed to respond appropriately to a 911 call…. Read More »

Is Florida a “Judicial Hellhole”?
Florida has been called a “judicial hellhole” and a recent report from Florida Watchdog argues that Florida’s “flawed” tort laws cost the state nearly $12 billion annually in lost productivity. Florida Watchdog is a product of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity which publishes investigative reports that seek to shine a light… Read More »

Contractors in FIU Bridge Collapse Fined for Safety Violations
The contractors who designed the FIU bridge that collapsed killing 6 people and injured 9 others have been cited by federal authorities for rampant workplace and safety violations. On top of likely being on the hook for millions of dollars in wrongful death lawsuits and other injury settlements, the construction companies that employed the… Read More »

Can Social Media Destroy Your Personal Injury Case?
As if personal injury attorneys did not have enough to deal with, social media is becoming a major concern as the age of mass media ushers in unprecedented access to our client’s personal information. Those who make careless comments, discuss their lawsuit, or even tell close loved ones that they’re feeling better if for… Read More »

State Farm Files Federal Lawsuit Alleging Widespread PIP Fraud
Could Florida’s PIP insurance scheme be repealed? If major insurance companies like State Farm have their way, it will be. This comes in light of recent allegations of insurance fraud against PIP insurance plans that insurance companies like State Farm are claiming run rampant in PIP insurance states like Florida. In case you’re unaware,… Read More »

Family of Renowned Linebacker Settles Lawsuit with NFL
The family of hall-of-fame linebacker, Junior Seau, recently settled a wrongful death lawsuit against the NFL. Seau spent 20 years in the NFL, 13 of which were with the San Diego Chargers. He retired from the league in 2009 and in 2012, at the age of 43, he took his own life, delivering a… Read More »